2024 KPOA Annual Meeting

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82543716426 Meeting ID: 825 4371 6426
Phone in: 1-669-444-9171 (US) or 1-408-638-0968 (San Jose)

KPOA Annual Meeting Set for October 19

The Kensington Property Owners Association (KPOA) will hold its annual membership meeting at the Community Center and by Zoom on Saturday October 19, at 10am.

Planned topics and expert speakers include:

District Unification/Consolidation Kensington is governed by two separate district boards. Both
districts provide services to the same residential properties in Kensington yet have separate
administrations and directors. Ridgeline Municipal Strategies is retained to work with both
boards to provide an independent assessment of the financial feasibility of unifying the two
governing districts with a single board. Principal consultant Dmitri Semenov will report on fiscal
projections for both districts, and summarize Ridgeline’s unification/consolidation findings.

General Mangers’ Updates David Aranda, Interim General Manager of the Kensington Police
Protection Community Service District, and Mary Morris-Mayorga, General Manager of the
Kensington Fire Protection District, will present district updates and next steps for unification.

Home Insurance Options After Cancellations Leah Jacobs Nishi of Farmers Insurance will
discuss home insurance cancellations and the California Fair Plan provider of last resort.

Homeowner Wildfire Hardening and Prevention Johnny Valenzuela, Kensington Emergency
Preparedness Coordinator: an overview of the National Firewise Communities certification
program requiring homeowners to harden their properties against wildfire damage. Residents
Alan Siegel and Kay Blonz will further explain their Firewise process experiences.

Contra Costa County Supervisor John Gioia will speak on relevant county activities and issues
including proposed changes to the tree-view obstruction ordinance and Kensington path

Update on the Community Library with Library Manager Jenny Rockwell.